India is a nation where almost all the major streams of human religious history have been and are presently active. Alpha Media.
Makes books from any and all of these streams available to interested readers, through a unique association with various publishers and book sellers in India.
Our name, merging currents, suggests that as new ideas are confronted syntheses develop in the mind and communication across traditions and religions becomes dynamic and fruitful.
This site contains a select list of recommended books on Hinduism, Christianity in India (especially studies on the distinctive of contextual Indian Christianity), Indian culture and history, and other Indian religious traditions. Allow two to three weeks for delivery of your books since all orders are shipped direct from India.
Currently there are 4555 Authors represented in 4414 Titles
Broken down into four major divisions covering 352 Subjects
Due to complexities related to sourcing of books in India the Merging Currents websites is no longer accepting orders.
Information about the many books we have offered for sale over the past years is still displayed here as a public service for people interested in Indological literature. It is hoped that a solution to the complexities of sourcing and selling books from dozens of publishers in India might be resolved in such a way that the company could open again at the standard of excellence maintained over the past years. But that is not a certainty at this time.
We list every in print English book title (and many out of print titles) from nearly two dozen Christian publishers in India (ISPCK, Asian Trading Corporation, Christian Literature Society, Dharmavaram, Christava Sahitya Samithy, Intercultural Publications, Christian Institutes for the Study of Religion and Society, Oriental Institute for Religious Studies India, Vendrame Institutes, Gurukul, etc.), plus important titles from other Christian publishers and studies on Indian Christianity, Hinduism, other Indian religions, and Indian culture and history from dozen of secular and Hindu publishing houses. We list publications from a total of 760 publishing houses.
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Aliquam erat ac ipsum. Integer aliquam purus. Quisque lorem tortor fringilla sed, vestibulum id, eleifend justo vel bibendum sapien massa ac turpis faucibus orci luctus non, consectetuer lobortis quis, varius in, purus. Integer ultrices posuere cubilia Curae, Nulla ipsum dolor lacus, suscipit adis.